Michele Frazier

Hard-working and devoted educational consultant, Michele Frazier, is the most sought after adolescent mentor in the United States. With the desire to see every child succeed and grow, Michele Frazier has turned her focus toward her discovered passion. via Pocket http://ift.tt/1OJHBi0

Ian Andrews Fraudster

The technology revolution has bought more connectivity between people and the internet. But the biggest query is that do people stay safe when they surf online. This is where fraudulent scammers and hackers come into existence and vanishour life at just one stroke. via Pocket http://ift.tt/1WLc0Dd

10 Instant Ways to Fight Employee Burnout

Your team is usually self-motivated, but all of a sudden, they’re taking much longer on ordinary tasks. There’s a good chance they’re suffering from burnout, and it’s bound to happen in the startup world. Here are some immediate fixes to get everyone back in the swing of things. via Pocket http://ift.tt/1KHc1oN

Fiverr Opens Door for Greater Levels of Business Collaboration

There are few circumstances in which collaboration does not yield a substantial benefit, so professionals in any industry are right to seek any strategy that will result in greater opportunities for collaboration with both industry peers and individuals from completely unrelated fields. via Pocket http://ift.tt/1ZdruPn

Top Rugby Training Tips from John Pryor

In many countries the sport rugby is growing in popularity. With lots of appeal to men, rugby requires great strength and conditioning to play. Strength and conditioning coordinator for the Japan Rugby Union, John Pryor is considered one of the best at preparing athletes for this sport. via Pocket http://ift.tt/1roFf2Q

Lee Trotman

Lee Trotman is a digital marketing an e-commerce expert. He worked for Southern California Edison for 16 years, and at SCE, he created digital marketing campaigns and married them to e-commerce platforms. What is your hobby? via Pocket http://ift.tt/1XOtMGu

Ian Leaf’s Starting a HFC Business at Home

Click HERE To Buy This AWESOME Book!If you are passionate about starting your own high fashion clothing business, then, this book is for you. It is FULL of information. Teaches you the in’s and out’s, not what to do and what you should do. Before you start, you really need to read this. via Pocket […]

Darren Pawski Offers Insight on Financial Prepping

Many of the same principles used to guide the most serious of preppers bear more than just a passing resemblance to the financial preparedness principles advocated by Darren Pawski. via Pocket http://ift.tt/21T96x3