Ian Andrews HFC Email Fraud Information

Email is an old form of communication, but it still works. It seems that some, although not too many people, are turning away from the Email way of communication. Email still works and through all the security we have on our email, can still be used by fraudsters to get what they want from you. A […]

Ian Leaf Tax Fraud – Review of Scams

Tax fraud can be a big deal and usually tax professionals are involved. The IRS website has a great guide for how to choose a tax professional. If you choose based on their guidelines you’re much more likely to get avoid anything related to tax fraud! There are three basic steps. What type of tax […]

Ian Leaf Home – Cleaning Concrete

There are many different ways to keep the concrete around your home clean. There are also a couple of scam products that are well known to have great funding from home improvement companies, not because they’re they best, but they make the corporation a lot of money. Bob Villa recommends TSP and muriatic acid to […]