Michele Frazier

Michele Frazier, educational consultant and life coach for children, has been in the educational service for well over 20 years with experience in relationships and mentorship allowing her to succeed in her newly founded mentorship program. Ms. via Pocket http://ift.tt/1OJHRxs

Ian Leaf

Ian Leaf of “Ian Leaf Fraud Watcher” is a renowned consumer advocate who has dedicated the entirety of his professional career to eradicating fraudulent behavior from the marketplace and ensuring consumers are aware of the pitfalls of tax fraud as well as consumer fraud. via Pocket http://ift.tt/1XOtxep

Lee Trotman

Lee Trotman is a digital marketing an e-commerce expert. He worked for Southern California Edison for 16 years, and at SCE, he created digital marketing campaigns and married them to e-commerce platforms. What is your hobby? via Pocket http://ift.tt/1XOtMGu

Darren Pawski 

Perth, Western Australia native Darren Pawski has spent nearly 30 years serving in critical positions of leadership while working in the finance industry. via Pocket http://ift.tt/24ODBJS