Recently, Ian Andrews, fraudster expert, declared he would not rest until rest until justice is served. Justice for what exactly? Justice for the those of us normal, every day common folk who use the internet to pay bills, keep in touch which friends and family, do our jobs, etc. but are being turned into victims by fraudsters and scams. Earlier this week, Andrews admitted that fraud activity online has increased a whopping 10% since 2014, but with his dedication and hard work toward the cause, Andrews doesn’t expect that statistic to stay that high for long.
“I gave the whole world my word when I said by the middle of 2016, you’ll see a noticeable decrease in scams and fraudsters,” said Andrews in a recent interview with him yesterday morning while telling the community how to stay safe while using the web.
Andrews doesn’t expect to totally remove fraudsters and suspicious activity from online, but he certainly does expect to hinder fraudsters and their efforts to make victims out of innocent people. “You can’t get rid of fraudsters. Forget about it, it’s not gonna happen,” said Andrews. “What I do plan to do is to cripple their schemes simply by making the public more aware of what is really going on. Knowledge is only power if it is applied knowledge.”
From the remarks of Ian Andrews, fraudster expert, he clearly has a some big shoes to fill and those are shoes he has made himself. We currently have five to seven months before we see if Mr. Andrews promising words are fulfilled. At this point, only time will tell.